DAY 70
Watch out ! Korean
Maybe I should write some essays about this title. I’m not Korean, but I love Korea. I love this country, language, people, culture. If we can do cooperation, Korea can rock the world. I believe this so bad, because I met smartest and kind people in last year.
Dad and Health
Because my dad had inspection for his heart problem. Health is the most important thing in our life.
Maybe I have to check the title I planned. I didn’t expect that I can write the long essay like this.
Yesterday I uploaded second post in my Medium. I will keep writing in Medium and publish my own English book as soon as possible.
Solitude is not the same meaning as loneliness. Solitude is a good and quiet time individually. I found the real meaning of Solitude in the dictionary; Meriam-webster, it said ’the quality or state of being alone or remote from society’.
Trust is more important than money. It is hard to get trust from others. It couldn’t buy. If you lost someone’s trust, you couldn’t take it back.
I didn’t think trust is the most important thing in our life so far. But I realized trust is the key can get to success as fast as possible.
If you loose your trust, it’s hard to get back. That’s why we should build the trust from first impression.
Long time ago, I didn’t think trust is important in this way. But now I knew. It’s all about. Trust is all about. It’s hard to build and hard to get.
(여기까지가 어제까지 쌓인 글)
I want to meet people has positive energy in many way.