If you read this book, it means I made one of my dream come ture. I really want to publish my own book in English, even when I had poor English skills. I always want to be a rich. But I don't know how. I've just believed I can be a rich if I can go to a college I've been always dreamed about. I was stupid. That's why I had really hard time in my 20's and early 30's.
I really wanted to change my life, but I don't know how. I felt upset about my reality and circumstance, and I was always in a hurry. That didn't helpful at all. I thought I did my best, but it didn't. I didn't do my best in proper way. There has efficient and best way to change our life. I found my way from books and good people. That's why I want to share with this in my book. I am looking forward to share all these things and I believed it might be helpful to change others life. I will be glad to hear that if you can change your life after reading this book. If you so, I hope you can share this with your precious friends and family.
The power of change : Anxiety
I was sensetive kid. I felt blue sometimes and I overwhelmed by all kind of inspirations around me.
I had a lots of questions in our life. But I don’t know where to get the answers.
(여기까지가 어제까지 쓴 내용)

I always knew what I want. But I didn't know what I can do. I really wanted to have my own beautiful family. Also I wanted to my successful career. But these two things are hard to co-exist. So I started to find out how can I do both. I am a stubborn with my dreams. I didn't listen to my parants if they're bothering my desire. I didn't make a big trouble in my childhood, but I had gutfeeling in my own desire. I believed I can do both. I decided to not to give up on that.