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You can't chase two rabbits? I knew Russian proverb 'If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one'. I've read the book 'The one thing' by Gary Keller with Jay parasan, an also 'Essentialism' by Greg Mckeown. But there are something you can't choice only one. Just like parenting and career. I think It's a huge problem as social and individual. I will catch two rabbits as making trap. I will share the process of do..
Dear all the people who have made useless efforts I loved to do anything hard. When I was 6-year-old, I liked to jump rope. I did harder and harder, I got the goal that I wanted. I loved to draw, then I am drawing all day long. I can't stand to lose in competition. Sometimes I gave up before I'm trying, I didn't try It seems like I could lose in first sight. I got a good score in school, so I thought I can do anything. I can get anything I want..
Don't make excuses for yourself I don't want to waste my time. So I always try to find efficient way to buy time. It was good try to write essay in English every day. But if I use wrong expressions in every time, it will be the wrong way. I got a book recommendation from my friend about English expressions native speaker use. I found I always use wrong expressions. It is not the problem of word, it is about native expressions ..
바로 옆에 있는 by 네이티브 영어표현력 사전 (이창수 지음, 다락원) Day 01[ by ] p.69 / p. 114 / p. 149a book written by Wendy Wood원어민들은 대부분 a book by Wendy Wood라고 한다. ~에 의해 쓰여진, (~가) 쓴, 저술한This book is by James Clear.Who is it by? : director가 누구냐, composer가 누구냐로도 해설될 수 있다 (Who wrote it?은 직역) Who is the author?도 가능하다. She'll be by later. 잠시 들르는 (visit은 들르다보다 정식으로 시간을 정해서 방문하다라는 무게있는 뜻)He said he'd be by today.Susan should be by soon t..
I want people don't lose their own sparkling One day, I knew the book called 'The 5 AM Club: Own your morning' written by Robin Sharma, and I shocked he sold 15 million books around the world. This is why I start to study English. I decided to make my pie bigger. I upset I didn't learn English seriously in my whole life. Then I started running every day, taking 10 minutes of English video every day, writing English essays every day. Also, ..
차이나는 클라스 김누리 교수님 편 1부를 보는 중인데 초반부터 엄청난 깨달음들을 주는 강의였다. 1부 19.10.30 (131회) 2부 19.11.06 (132회) 3부 20.03.04 독일의 교육 68혁명이 있었던 독일. 독일이 옛날부터 복지국가였던 건 아니고 처음부터 과거를 반성했던 건 아니었다니 놀라웠다. 민주주의는 4가지로 구분해서 생각해야 한다. - 정치 민주화 - 사회 민주화 - 경제 민주화 - 문화 민주화 우리나라는 문화민주화가 부족한건 아닐까. 조금더 강의를 보고 나서 정리를 해봐야겠다. - 독일 프라이부르크 슈바르츠발트 - 스웨덴의 청소년 환경운동가 그레타 툰베리 ( 2019. 9.23 UN 기후행동 정상회의 참석을 위해 태양광 요트를 타고 대서양을 건넌 16살 툰베리) - 학교에서 경쟁을 가르쳐서는 안된다 나는 학교에서..
What should I say? I saw the post on Art_and_solar's instragram, and I heard Art will start as Cambly tutor. I just want to try 1 month class in Cambly because it was a little bit expensive. Although it was already full in Art's Class, I want to think about 'what should I say if I have a chance to talk with Art in 30 minutes?'. Maybe it will be my first real conversation with foreigner. Because I speak and write b..
Revolution in my mind I had a goosebump because of the book I read. I was glad to read by MJ Demaco and by James Clear right now. MJ Demaco recommended the book written by James Clear in his book . I was surprised and shocked. The writer writing the great books read great books too. They know what is important and essential. Recently, I feel I became Neo of the movie . It was just like swallowing the red pill. I've c..